Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The power of music...

I have decided to start blogging again....:)

In order to get my "feet under me" as it were, I've decided to refresh and update my original blogs from over a decade ago. I figure there are probably quite a few people that never had the opportunity to read these - or if they did, wouldn't remember them anyway. So...here we go...

On my way into work quite a few years ago, a familiar song came on the radio and... *poof* ...just like that, I was transported back in time to a day that past October. It was a sunny, yet brisk, Autumn day and my wife and I were celebrating our wedding anniversary in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin. As I listened to the song, all of the fond memories of that October day flooded my mind. (I thank God that He created us to multi-task or I may have needed to pull over)

That experience made me ponder the overwhelming power that God created in the seemingly simple art of music. If you will, think about it with me for a moment. Music has the ability to do, or be, so many different things. A song can be a prayer offered or a means of praise and worship. Music can also have the ability to motivate one during a work-out (especially if it has driving beat). Certain songs can comfort, encourage and even speak to the soul, while others are simply good for relaxing and/or meditating. And, as eluded to earlier, specific songs have the uncanny ability to draw the mind back in time to a specific place or event. What a treat we have been given by our Creator.

I think this is why I have such a strong draw to all different types of music. I've been told many times that with all the 'noise' in today's world - we need to sometimes separate ourselves and plan for silence. I still believe this is a good practice, but more often than not, you will find me with some sort of background music playing. Maybe its because on some sort of subconscious level my mind is trying to create 'virtual time stamps' so that I can experience moments like the one I had on my way into work that morning so many years ago.

Regardless, I'm thankful for the power of music


jamsco said...

So what song was it?

And yes, music is very powerful and an awesome gift from God.

The Latte' Guy said...

Unfortunately, as this was originally written quite a few years ago, I can’t recall what song it was now. However, I can tell you that this music “time travel” happens for me quite a bit.