Monday, April 6, 2020

Take time to sharpen...

Roast: Medium Dark

I believe Spring is finally upon us. If you believe the calendar, the official first day of Spring was back in March, but it hasn't felt consistently "spring-like." However, the past two days have been nice. The temperature supposedly reaching into the mid-60s tomorrow is one indicator, but to me, the far greater sign of Spring is the return of the bird songs.

I decided to take advantage of the warm weather today and yesterday to do some walking. As I stepped outside, I was amazed at the chorus being sung. I couldn't believe how loud the bird songs seemed to was as if hundreds of birds were busy announcing their return and it was wonderful.

As I took the time to listen and enjoy the moment, it occurred to me that these same birds have probably sung their choruses throughout the past summers, only I don't ever recall hearing them like this in June, July or August. I believe this is probably because with all the added activities, commotion and other noises that come with the warmer weather, we become dull to hearing these beautiful songs. It's only after the long and quiet winter months that our senses are sharpened such that when a day like today comes around the music is overwhelming.

This is not unlike the Christian walk, where - over time - we can become dull to many different facets to which we were once sharp. I don't want to be dull. I want to hear the birds singing their songs throughout the summer, and I want to be prepared for whatever God has in store for me. I want to make sure I take time to sharpen....

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