Today's Roast: Light
Quite a few years ago, I was having some real issues. I was having to come to terms with the realization that I had A.D.D. Oh, I'm not talking about Attention Deficit Disorder - which is the common definition of that acronym. No, I'm referring a much more (a-hem) serious affliction. Although this was admittedly self-diagnosed, I was quite convinced that I was suffering from Age Denial Disorder.
I think it probably started more than a decade ago. I had decided I would join one of our church's softball teams. When I was younger, I used to play on a number of competitive teams - and although it had been about 16 years since I had played, I figured I could just jump right in. The problem was (and continues to be) that my psyche is a lot younger than my body. My mind would tell my body to do things the way it used to...diving for fly balls, showing up to the ball park to play a double-header without any stretching, trying to stretch a single into a double...the list went on and on. Needless to say, more often than not during my last 3 seasons playing, I was riding the bench due to a sprained ankle or torn hamstring. In retrospect, I can see that it's all because of Age Denial Disorder.
That was a decade ago and now I'm in my early 50s. At one point along the way, I even seriously considered purchasing anti-wrinkle cream....what was happening to me? I've heard experts claim that the first step in overcoming a disorder such as this is admitting to yourself that you have a problem. At the time, I didn't think I was ready for that step. But then reality woke me up... I figured that once you no longer bother trying to pluck the gray whiskers from your facial hair because you would basically be shaving with a know it's time.
I think I've since embraced this disorder and I am happy to say that it is no longer an issue for me (except maybe when I play competitive sports). Might be the main reason I've become more interested in golf lately....
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